Friday, 27 February 2015

The Experiment

I don't have a particularly high opinion of bloggers. The sorts of people who think their lives and opinions matter, who believe they've something to say that hasn't been said before, or that their menial day-to-day activities differ in dramatism from the average and need to be shared, drawn in, immortalised on the interwebs.

Don't they know we're all just lost souls swimming in a fishbowl? Don't they know there's no such thing as an original idea or line? It's this Me-Me Generation, I tell you, crying out to be heard above the racket they themselves are making. They're so busy talking themselves up they forget to talk to each other. They've made the digital world so crowded that they've turned the real one empty. Where's my yard stick when it needs shaking?

Anyway, so I've decided to start a blog. I'm special, you see, not a fish but a bird. I think I'm about ten years too late for the trend, but I'm going to make it work.

A good blog needs a purpose. While it's true no one's life is interesting enough to be shared, people will read a blog if it appeals to a specific interest of theirs, like fitness, dating advice or conservatism. As it happens I intend to explore none of these—though for the record, my opinion on all three is generally 'no thanks'—and instead I'm going to disobey my own advice and just write about what I'd like to write. Maybe I'll find a purpose in it as we go on, maybe I won't. Maybe finding that purpose is going to be what this blog is about. Isn't that what we all want, after all? This is an experiment that I expect none but my most dedicated stalkers to follow, but maybe I'll be surprised. It may fizzle out after a few weeks, or this may in fact be both my first and last post. Let's find out.

gossip girl
(I'll figure out a better sign off as we go on.)


  1. Good luck! Kinda bold writing those things about blogs- in a blog :)
    Not everyone seeks for purpose, there are those who believe in none.

  2. Original and thought provoking!

    Keep on producing such writing
